An under rated old fashioned vegetable once grown in Irish Victorian kitchen gardens. Like sea kale, it became unfashionable and forgotten. Look out for the seeds, it is well worth growing and you will find the tender roots a welcome addition to your autumn meals.
Leave a few plants to over winter and if you leave them until they flower, they will seed freely. You can eat the young shoots in salads. The purple flowers are an added attraction.
Dig roots carefully, they are brittle and will easily snap. Dig them while they are still young.
RECIPE: Gently wash and remove long green leaves. Scrap off skin, chop into one inch long pieces, place in salted boiling water that has some lemon juice added to it, until they are just beginning to soften. Drain.
Roll in a little butter, with chopped parsley and a little lemon zest and enjoy their beautiful delicate flavor.