Friday 27 July 2012

Is it a Cabbage or a Turnip? Kohlrabi

Is it a cabbage or is it a turnip?
Kohlrabi is a mysterious vegetable that is a hybrid cross between the two.
The leaves and the swollen stem may both be eaten, but it is grown for its swollen stem.
A popular vegetable in Germany and Italy in the nineteenth century, the Italians ate it before the stem grew any larger than a hen's egg, while the German's preferred it fully grown.
Red Kohlrabi grown in Co. Kilkenny

Kohlrabi can be eaten raw in salads or cooked. There is a school of thought that believes its distinctive flavour is mainly in the skin and near it, so it is probably best steamed intact until tender. Then it can be peeled, if required, and sliced. Also, delicious, when simply roasted - just peel, roughly dice along with other root vegetables, some onion and herbs, mix with olive oil and roast until tender.

The leaves are also good for eating and are best treated like kale. Easily grown in County Kilkenny, so give it a go.
